
Showing posts from 2019

Full circle... My confession

I am sitting here. Again, in the dim light of an afternoon, while my now two and a half year old son is sleeping in the next room. Normally I love the light. The more natural lighting, the better. But ever since my son was born, many of my most peaceful and quiet moments have taken place in darkness, so he can sleep peacefully, and as early as possible. The latter of course is for both his benefit and mine. Sleep breeds sleep, so "they" say, and it is so important for the development of busy young brains that are learning about everything in the world around them. For parents, sleeping children also offer succor and relief that is much needed. The physical need to write comes to me as I awaken to find that my landscape has changed dramatically. Places have changed, players have been added, and roles of some players have altered. Truths about myself have come to light, some good and some not so good. I don't know what I need to say, but I need to write. I need to...