
Showing posts from 2018

The day after Christmas

In Sweden, as in many other countries in Europe, Christmas is celebrated on the 24th, or Christmas Eve. So the day of (the 25th) is rather quiet and although it is not a day of celebration, most shops and things are closed. That is perfectly fine. Now, the day AFTER Christmas (26th) is a bit rough, because on this day things are still not up and running. Of course you have everything (almost everything) that you need at the local grocery store, but it feels just a bit odd to have a sort of day after (25th) the day after (26th) kind of pause. Especially if you have chosen to stay in town for the holidays. And this particular year that is 2018, the day before the Eve, or if you prefer, the day before (23rd) the day before (24th) Christmas day (the 25th, even though it sort of is the 24th), many important shops were also closed. So we really have had a sort of 23, 24, 25, 26 type of holiday-not-holiday this year and it feels a bit odd and in this particular post, a little bit like math. B...

The future

I love this shot I captured the other day with my "camera phone" (Brooklyn 99, Greg Holt). When we were preparing to leave Graz with our baby boy who was just a few months old, I read this article about how you should move to Sweden if you want to move to the future. (I did a quick Google search right now and did not come up with the same article). This picture basically embodies the "Dreaded" version of the future in my mind; the one where colors have ceased to exist because the soil is no longer fertile, and the concrete jungle looms over everything. And yet I find the lines and the light exquisite and not at all dreadful. The light on this particular day was what made me look up and see the birds perched by the window. I had never noticed this building before. We have now lived in Gothenburg for one year and some weeks, and I've walked by the building in that picture probably hundreds of times on my way to buy baby diapers and formula. Never stopping to...