
Showing posts from January, 2016

Who we are

A new way to blog. This is something I wrote last year in my journal. I decided to take pictures and share it this way. In summary, these things make up who we are, and we can remember and cherish and put into perspective both the good, the great, and the "bad."

Betrayal; a dream story

Dreams can be so vivid.  Sometimes mine are dramatized like a movie, complete with the subtleties of emotionally charged acting and a soundtrack tailored to fit the story and add to feelings of intensity and moments of suspense.  Last night's went something like this... Two companions on a journey through vine filled jungles, along the banks of large bodies of water and up steep mountainous climbs.  The first woman is our point of view and has offered to guide the second woman on this journey to safety.  Risk is uppermost in this story, as the antagonist serves a dark cause and is uncertain whether her guide will lead her back to her people's ship on a far away sea.  But the danger is too great in this unknown part of the world and so the antagonist chooses to trust.  She is an attractive adventurer, with chestnut dreadlocks falling over her shoulders and she is clad in loose fitting clothing of neutral browns and beige. We only see through the eyes of th...